ENDOCRINOLOGYDecember 2014Family intervention to control type 2 diabetes: a controlled clinical trial
CARDIOLOGY AND VASCULAROctober 2014The effect of a patient education booklet and BP ‘tracker’ on knowledge about hypertension: a randomised controlled trial
PAINOctober 2014Psychosocial risk factors for chronic low back pain in primary care - a systemic review
CARDIOLOGY AND VASCULARApril 2014Heart failure in primary care: co-morbidity and utilisation of health care resources
PHARMACYApril 2013Treatment of acute rhinosinusitis: discrepancy between guideline recommendations and clinical practice
MENTAL HEALTHApril 2013Incidence, patient characteristics and treatment initiated for GP-diagnosed depression in general practice
GERIATRIC MEDICINEFebruary 2013Increasing older adults’ walking through primary care: results of a pilot randomised controlled trial
ENDOCRINOLOGYAugust 2012Investigation of thyroid dysfunction is more likely in patients with high psychological morbidity
MENTAL HEALTHJune 2012Challenges to alcohol and other drug discussions in the general practice consultation
PAINMay 2012Targeted treatment in primary care for low back pain: the treatment system and clinical training programmes used in the IMPaCT Back study
MENTAL HEALTHFebruary 2012Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in primary healthcare: a review.
CARDIOLOGY AND VASCULARJanuary 2012Physician adherence to the dyslipidaemia guidelines is as challenging an issue as patient adherence
CARDIOLOGY AND VASCULARJanuary 2012The importance of cardiovascular disease for mortality in patients with COPD: a prognostic cohort study
HEALTH SERVICESJanuary 2012The prevalence of multimorbidity in primary care and its effect on healthcare utilisation and cost