'Waiting lists longer than stated'


January 15, 2014

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  • Oireachtas Health Committee member Dr John Crown has claimed that outpatient waiting lists could in realty be longer than official figures currently state.

    He told the Health Committee yesterday that a new method of calculating waiting lists had been adopted which meant that people were not counted as being on a list until they received a specific time for a hospital appointment 

    This, Dr Crown claimed meant that a patient might not be included on a waiting list while their GP was awaiting a response to his or her referral letter seeking a hospital appointment.

    The Minister said he would look into the allegation.

    According to official Department of Health figures, there were a total of 378,840 on outpatient lists at the end of October, compared to 386,384 in September.

    The numbers waiting over a year for an outpatient appointment dropped from 84,423 to 71,441 between September and October, the figures state.

    Minister Reilly, responding to a query from Dr Crown about a shortage of obstetricians, said the Savita Halappanavar tragedy in Galway could not be excused by staffing numbers.


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