Tips for healthy lunchboxes


September 3, 2018

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  • Children's lunchboxes provide around one-third of their daily nutritional needs, so it is important to put some thought and planning into the foods included, Safefood has said.

    It is advising parents that if they want to introduce any changes, they should do this gradually over time. However, to get the most from school lunchboxes, the following foods should be ideally included every day:

    -Starchy foods, such as two slices of bread, a bagel, a tortilla wrap or four-to-six crackers. Try to opt for wholemeal varieties. As an alternative to bread, you could include cooked pasta
    -One or more pieces of fruit, such as apples, bananas or berries. Chopping fruit into smaller pieces may make it easier for younger children to eat
    -One portion of dairy foods, such as milk, yoghurt or cheese
    -A small amount of a high-protein food, such as tuna, deli meats, hummus or egg
    -Water or milk instead of juice or fizzy drinks.

    Safefood pointed out that many primary schools have developed healthy eating policies that encourage parents and children not to include certain foods, such as crisps and chocolate. It encouraged people to follow these guidelines.

    It also reminded parents that giving their children the exact same lunch every day may not be very appealing. It encouraged them to speak to their children about what kind of lunches they would like to bring to school, and to try to make them together.

    Safefood also offered the following tips to keep lunches cool and safe:

    -An insulated lunchbox or bag can be used to help keep lunches cool. A small ice pack can also be used
    -It is important that lunches are not kept in a warm place such as near radiators or in direct sunlight as this can make a tasty lunch ‘go off'
    -Discard any perishable foods that have not been eaten at the end of the day
    -Wash and dry reusable water bottles, lids and lunchboxes every day in warm soapy water
    -Encourage your children to wash their hands before eating, including before eating lunch from a lunchbox.

    For more on healthy lunchboxes, click here


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