New tooth whitening rules welcomed


September 27, 2011

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  • Irish dentists have welcomed new EU regulations which control the use of a chemical used in tooth whitening products.

    The directive from the European Council regulates the use of hydrogen peroxide. Specifically, it bans the use of tooth whitening products which contain over 6% of the chemical. It also states that tooth whitening can only be carried out on a patient if the procedure is being supervised by a dentist.

    Meanwhile, people under the age of 18 will not be allowed use these products at all.

    Last month, the Irish Dental Association (IDA) expressed serious concern about some tooth whitening products. It claimed that many of these products ranged from ‘useless to dangerous'.

    It also expressed concerned about unsupervised tooth whitening and insisted that only fully-qualified dentists should be allowed to provide such services.

    Under this new directive, products that contain up to 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide will still be available to consumers. However, when it comes to products that contain between 0.1% and 6% of the chemical, a dentist must carry out a full clinical examination and the first treatment. After that, patients can continue the treatment themselves.

    Commenting on the new directive, Dublin-based dentist and IDA member, Tom Feeney, said that patient safety ‘is the number one priority' and this move will enhance that.

    "The new regulations ensure that properly qualified dentists are carrying out what is a dental procedure, that safe products are being used and that the treatment is restricted to those over 18," he said.

    He pointed out that tooth whitening is a safe procedure ‘if carried out by a dentist'. However, he warned that it should not be carried out too often.

    "As a rough guide once a year should be sufficient. We don't recommend it for pregnant women or heavy smokers or drinkers as it can cause particular problems for each of these groups," he added.

    Each EU member state will have 12 months to incorporate the directive into national legislation following its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.

    © Medmedia Publications/ 2011