Jack and Emily still most popular baby names


February 28, 2020

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  • The most popular baby names in Ireland in 2019 were Jack and Emily, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has said.

    According to the latest statistics, the top five girls' names in the country last year were Emily, Grace, Fiadh, Sophie and Hannah. This is the 9th year in a row that Emily has been the top choice for parents.

    Fifty years ago, none of these names featured in the top 100 girls' names. Back in 1969, Mary was the most popular girl's name.

    Meanwhile, the most popular boys' names last year were Jack, James, Noah, Conor and Daniel. Jack has been top of the list since 2007, except for in 2016, when James was top.

    James is the only name out of the top five to have appeared in the top five in 1969. Back then, John was the most popular boy's name.

    The CSO noted that girls are generally given a wider variety of names than boys, with 4,814 different names registered last year for girls, compared to 3,725 for boys.

    The boys' names that showed the most growth in popularity between 2018 and 2019 were Odhrán, Eli, Kaden and Ruairí, while for girls, it was Alexandra, Heidi and Hollie.

    Some less popular names for boys included Teidí, Saul, Dexter and Ruán, while less popular girls' names included Féile, Jorja, Kyrah and Constance.


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