Govt to decide today on abortion issue


December 18, 2012

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  • The Government is to decide later today what action to take to clarify the issue of when limited abortion is allowed.

    The decision follows the X Case Supreme Court judgement in 1992, the European Court of Human Rights judgement in December 2010 and the recent publication of the recommendations of the Expert Group.

    It also takes place after worldwide attention was focused on Ireland following the maternal death of Savita Halammanavar, who was reportedly refused a termination when she was gravely ill.

    The Cabinet, after it meets later today, is expected to opt for a combination of legislation and regulations to outline the legal position on abortion if the mother's life is deemed to be at risk. This was the fourth and most favoured option proposed by the Expert Group.

    The legal framework will allow for termination in cases where the mother's life is deemed to be at risk from suicide.

    This provision is likely to cause much controversy and has been opposed by some TDs, who fear it could lead to a too liberal abortion regime.

    However, attempts to remove suicide as a legitimate grounds for allowing abortion have been defeated previously in two referenda in the wake of the X Case.

    Draft legielation is is to be published in the new year following discussion on the issue by by the Oireachtas Health Committee in early January.

    Meanwhile, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health Anand Grover, on a visit to Ireland yesterday, said there was a need to decriminalise abortion in order to ensure a woman's right to health.

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