Exercise plan prevents injury from falls


October 31, 2013

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  • Exercise programmes designed to prevent falls in the elderly can also prevent injuries caused by these falls, according to new research.

    Fall-related injuries are very common among older people and can lead to long-term pain and impaired mobility.

    They also increase an older person's risk of having to go to a nursing home.

    French scientists assessed whether fall-prevention exercise programmes in the elderly are linked to a lower risk of fractures and other injuries due to falls.

    The research reviewed 17 studies with a total of 2,195 participants in the exercise group and 2,110 in non-exercise groups. The average age of the participants was 76 years and 77% were women.

    Tai Chi was the exercise used in two of the trials and other exercise regimes included gait, balance and functional training (exercise which involves training for activities performed in daily life).

    Exercise trials also included strength/resistance training methods.

    Most of the exercises tended to reduce falls causing injury. Exercise appeared to significantly reduce the rate of falls leading to medical care, serious injuries and fractures.

    The researchers concluded that fall prevention exercise programmes for older people not only reduce fall rates but also prevent injuries from falls in the community-dwelling elderly.

    The researchers say these programmes particularly help the most severe fall-related injuries.

    The exercises that proved to be most effective for fall prevention placed a major emphasis on balance training.

    The researchers say:'reducing the risk of falling and improving protective responses during a fall may be an important and feasible means of preventing fractures and other serious injuries in the elderly'.

    The research, published on, was carried out at the Hopital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France

    © Medmedia Publications/ 2013