Court rules boy to get MMR vaccine


May 17, 2013

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  • The High Court has ruled that a five-year-old boy can receive the four in one and MMR vaccinations, despite the fact that this is against his mother's wishes.

    The case came before the court after a dispute arose between the child's mother and father, who have not been in a relationship with each other since 2009. They were never married.

    The child had been immunised when he was born and had suffered no adverse reactions. However, last year, when he was due to receive his booster vaccinations, his mother decided that she did not want him to receive the jabs.

    Both the child's father and the HSE wanted the child immunised. The District Court and Circuit Court had already ruled that the vaccinations should proceed.

    The boy's mother was seeking to have this Circuit Court order quashed. However, in the High Court yesterday, Mr Justice Moriarty ruled that the boy should be vaccinated as there was no error of law in how the Circuit Court reached its decision.

    He said that he did not accept that a hierarchy of authority could exist in cases where unmarried guardians have disagreements over the medical treatment of their children.

    He put a 28-day stay on his order in case the mother appeals the decision to the Supreme Court.

    For more information on vaccines, see our unique Child Immunisation Tracker here


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