Child cancer survival rate improving


February 15, 2013

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  • Ireland's five-year survival rate after childhood cancers is now almost 80% according to the Barretstown children's charity.

    Barretstown has has provided a programme of therapeutic recreation to over 25,000 children and families affected by childhood cancer since 1994.

    Childhood cancer survival is steadily increasing in Europe, although in less developed countries the survival rate can be dramatically lower, the charity points out.

    To mark International Childhood Cancer Day (today, Friday Feb 15) Barretstown is calling on the public to give whatever support it can to its programme for sick children at its camp in County Kildare. The camp helps children and their families to deal with the impact of the illness.

    "We know from medical experts that intensive cancer treatment for children can last up to three years," according to the Chief Executive of Barretstown Dee Ahearn.

    "While such treatment now produces so many very positive outcomes medically, its intensiveness and duration can seriously disrupt childhood."

    "Through the Barretstown camps and our Hospital Outreach Programme we enable children to just be children, even while undergoing such disruptive treatment. With the improving survival rate it is now more vital that we expand our programmes," Ms Ahearn said.

    The Barretstown Therapeutic Recreation Programme provides fun activity-based challenges for sick children. Campers engage in entertainment and outdoor challenges and are encouraged to achieve and to celebrate their successes.

    Barretstown needs €4.5 million a year to continue to provide these life changing programmes that are entirely free of charge to children and their families. Around 200 children are diagnosed with cancer in Ireland every year and around a thousand are likely to be diagnosed by the end of 2017.

    This year, Barretstown is opening its facilities to children with other serious illnesses.

    Donations can be made through the Barretstown website at:


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