Synthetic cannabis driving increased presentations to addiction services

Hexahydrocannabinol, which is currently available in vapes and edibles in Ireland, is not subject to any legal restrictions in Ireland, the Irish College of Psychiatrists has warned amid calls to ban the substance

Max Ryan

September 16, 2024

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  • The government must intervene to ban the distribution and sale of all semi-synthetic cannabis, the Irish College of Psychiatrists has said, following what it described as an “explosion” of addiction presentations in Ireland related to the man-made drug hexahydrocannabinol (HHC).
    HHC is a chemically modified version of a natural cannabinoid found in cannabis. It is referred to as a ‘semi-synthetic cannabinoid’ and produces similar effects to THC. THC is a natural cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant that causes the drug’s ‘high’.
    HHC, which is currently available in vapes and edibles in Ireland, is not subject to any legal restrictions at present in Ireland as it is currently not classified as a controlled substance.
    Recently the College published a guide on HHC, outlining its effects, risks and what needs to be done to address its use among the public.
    The College is calling for the government to:
    • Include HHC and any semi synthetic cannabinoid on the list of prohibited substances for manufacture, distribution and sale
    • Enforce the legal prosecution of businesses and retailers found producing, distributing or selling any version of HHC and other semi-synthetic cannabinoids
    • Raise awareness of the potential dangers and harms of HHC and where they can be found (eg. in vapes and edibles) and similar products, particularly aimed at adolescents, young adults, parents and schools.
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