Sarcopenia more common in socioeconomically disadvantaged groups

New research from Trinity College Dublin

Deborah Condon

May 25, 2022

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  • Adults are much more likely to experience sarcopenia if they are socioeconomically disadvantaged, new research from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) has found.

    Sarcopenia refers to a loss of muscle mass that is related to ageing. While it is normal to lose some muscle mass as we get older, sarcopenia involves severe muscle loss. It is linked with a number of adverse outcomes such as falls and disability.

    Risk factors include old age, physical inactivity, undernutrition and having chronic conditions.

    According to the TCD researchers, evidence consistently shows that muscles matter and maintaining skeletal muscle strength throughout life is key to healthy ageing. It is associated with a better quality of life and a lower risk of mobility issues, hospitalisation and mortality.

    They analysed data from over 6,000 adults aged 60 and older who had taken part in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.

    They assessed, ‘probably sarcopenia’ classified according to the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 guidelines for low muscle strength. Detection of probable sarcopenia is considered sufficient evidence to warrant interventions, which are primarily exercise and dietary-based.

    Education and subjective social status were also assessed as markers of socioeconomic position in this population. 

    The study found that 34% of those over the age of 60 had probable sarcopenia. Furthermore, the condition was more than twice as likely to occur in the most socioeconomically disadvantaged groups compared to the least disadvantaged – 47% versus 21%.

    In fact, the researchers found that socioeconomic disadvantage was an independent determinant of probable sarcopenia and this finding was consistent irrespective of how socioeconomic position or probable sarcopenia were measured.

    The study supports recent results found in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), which were published in the journal, Clinical Interventions in Aging, and can be viewed here.

    “Sarcopenia is a worldwide public health issue and like many diseases, we show that it places an unequal burden on the most socioeconomically disadvantaged in society. 

    “Socioeconomic disadvantage is likely to increase both the risk of developing sarcopenia and reduce access to prevention and treatments e.g. diet and exercise approaches. There is a need for greater awareness of skeletal muscle loss as we age and for accessible and inclusive prevention programmes for older populations,” commented Dr Maria O’Sullivan, an associate professor in the Department of Clinical Medicine in TCD.

    According to the study’s first author, PhD candidate, Lauren Swan, tackling socioeconomic disadvantage is key.

    “There is a growing need and opportunity to ensure sarcopenia treatment and prevention policies are inclusive and take socioeconomic disadvantage into account. The findings are timely given recent strategies aiming to tackle health inequalities, both at home and abroad, as outlined in the Irish Sláintecare Implementation Strategy and the recent UK Government Levelling Up White Paper,” she said.

    The research was published in the journal, Frailty and Aging, and can be viewed here.

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