National Diabetes Strategy mandated by Health Minister

Diabetes Ireland CEO believes strategy will provide "optimum care for every person living with diabetes in Ireland"

Max Ryan

July 24, 2024

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  • Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, welcomed the first meeting of the Diabetes Policy and Services Review Group, established in early July.
    “Diabetes is a major health challenge for our population, and managing diabetes is a major challenge for our health services,”  Minister Donnelly said.
    “I have mandated the establishment of the Diabetes Policy and Services Review, so we can improve patient outcomes, minimise the health complications associated with diabetes, and ensure that our health services are best organised to provide the patient care and support needed by people living with diabetes.”
    Prof Derek O’Keeffe, HSE National Clinical Lead for Diabetes, welcomed the review group members who gathered in the Department of Health on July 3 and provided an overview of current diabetes care systems.
    “I am delighted to chair this Diabetes Strategy 2030, which has a wonderful multidisciplinary group of stakeholders including people with diabetes, diabetes advocates, clinicians and management professionals, all of whom will work collaboratively to build a better tomorrow for diabetes care in Ireland.”
    Kieran O’Leary, CEO, Diabetes Ireland, outlined the importance of this review.
    “We have never had a National Diabetes Strategy providing us with the vision, leadership and a forward-looking plan that provides optimum care for every person living with diabetes in Ireland. We have four people living with diabetes here today who – when making your various decisions – I want you to think about first by putting them in the centre of your thought process. Our goal has to be to develop a strategy that will fully meet their needs, is resourced to do so and is fundable.”
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