Modern molecular tools in the treatment of oesophageal cancer
An Irish Cancer Society-funded research fellowship project is focussing on the identification of a unique miRNA expression signature in both tumour tissue and serum predicting therapeutic outcome in oesophageal adenocarcinoma patients.
February 1, 2012
In Ireland, the incidence of oesophageal cancer is rising rapidly. Diagnosis of carcinoma of the oesophagus frequently confers a poor prognosis. In recent times there has been a dramatic epidemiological shift in the histological subtype of oesophageal cancer observed, with adenocarcinoma overtaking squamous cell carcinoma as the predominant cancer form.1 Unfortunately, the overall cure rate is less than 20%, and approximately 40% for localised disease. Consequently, there is great interest in multimodal approaches to therapy and either neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone or combination chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is increasingly the standard of care for locally advanced tumours.2
Within multimodal treatment regimens, the attainment of a complete pathological response to neoadjuvant therapy is a proxy for a favourable outcome, being associated with a five-year survival rate of up to approximately 60%, and more commonly observed with combined CRT compared with chemotherapy alone.3
However, even with CRT such a response is only observed in 20-30% of patients, with the remainder subject to toxicity and increased time to surgery with no apparent gain. It is therefore of significant clinical benefit to identify factors prior to CRT that predict those patients likely to be resistant or sensitive to current regimens. Such an approach may permit more appropriate individualisation of treatment.
The analysis of standard clinicopathological parameters, such as age, sex, obesity status, tumour stage, differentiation and histology, is unable to predict tumour response to CRT.4 There is a wealth of literature evaluating different immunohistochemical protein markers but the data tends to be conflicting and inconclusive. As patients with tumours of similar clinical characteristics can have vastly different responses to CRT, it is possible that this dichotomy is due to subtle differences in the molecular genetic environments of the tumours.
microRNA and cancer
The ability to analyse predictive markers at the level of RNA, DNA and protein has promised to revolutionise our understanding of the disease process, and it is hoped that the era of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics will herald new biomarkers of response to treatment.
One strategy using gene array technology is to compare the relative gene expression profiles of sensitive and resistant tumours. Coming to the forefront of modern predictive signature research are microRNA (miRNA). Identified in 2001, miRNA are single-stranded RNA molecules that regulate gene expression in cells by directly binding to and either degrading or translationally repressing target mRNA,5 (see Figure 1).
Altered miRNA expression is implicated in tumourigenesis and cancer biology.6 A large number of factors may be responsible for the dysregulation of miRNA observed in cancer, including chromosomal aberrations, transcription factor dysregulation, altered or improper processing and epigenetic alterations.
The link between miRNA and cancer was first highlighted when it was discovered that two miRNA, miR-15a and miR-16-1, are located in a region on chromosome 13 that is deleted in over 65% of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients.7 Despite extensive genetic profiling, no cancer-associated genes had ever been identified within this region, which suggests that miR-15a and miR-16-1 were the genomic targets of this frequent deletion.
Since their original association with cancer, miRNA profiles have been used to discriminate between normal and malignant tissue, in cancers such as lung,8 breast, colorectal,9 pancreatic,10,11 hepatocellular12 and CLL,13 among others. Additionally, it is now possible to delineate and stratify tumours of the same organ of origin, but that have different histologies, for example pulmonary adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma,8 and endocrine and acinar pancreatic tumours.10
Similarly, miRNA profiles can also be employed as prognostic indicators for factors such as therapeutic outcome and overall survival in cancers such as oesophageal,14 gastric,15 lung,16 osteosarcoma17 and breast.18,19
Genomic tests
Many studies have identified gene expression profiles that are predictive of therapeutic benefit in a variety of cancer types, including breast,20,21 oesophageal22 and colon.23,24 A decade ago, van’t Veer et al20 and van de Vijver et al25 developed the first highly successful predictive gene signature, the so-called Mammaprint, effective in identifying patients with primary breast cancer at a high risk of recurrence after local treatment alone. This signature was independently validated in the MINDACT and TRANSBIG26 trials and was FDA approved in 2007.
Other signatures include the Oncotype DX, a 16-gene signature predicting breast cancer patient response to chemotherapy,27 which was also subsequently validated in a Kaiser Permanente study.28
Conceivably, these stratagems may be applied to oesophageal cancer for predicting response to neoadjuvant CRT, and perhaps in moving forward the future may provide a miRNA-based diagnostic for prognostication in cancer patients.
microRNA as oncogenes/tumour suppressors
While miRNA profiles in cancer are generally tumour-specific, several miRNA are dysregulated across multiple cancers, suggesting a common role in tumourigenesis. miRNA that have been shown to be downregulated in cancers, such as miR-15a, miR-16-1 and the let-7 family, have been proposed to be tumour suppressors, whilst upregulated miRNA such as miR-21 and the miR-17-92 cluster have been classified as oncogenes. miR-21 was one of the first miRNA identified in humans.29 Overexpression of miR-21 has been demonstrated in multiple cancers such as glioblastoma,30 breast,31 oesophageal32 and CLL,33 suggesting a strong oncogenic role for this miRNA. In addition, miR-21-mediated regulation of all three tumour suppressor proteins is associated with increased invasion and metastasis, suggesting a role for miR-21 in cancer progression.
microRNA and cancer therapy
The role of miRNA in the initiation, progression and prognosis of cancer is now well established, however, the role of miRNA in the cellular response to cancer therapy is less well known. Given the role of miRNA in regulating fundamental cellular pathways, such as cell cycle34 apoptosis,35 survival,36 oxidative stress37 and DNA repair,38 it is highly likely that miRNA are involved in the tumour cell responses to anti-cancer therapeutics, which target these key pathways.
In addition to its potential role as an oncogene, miR-21 has also been implicated in the resistance of cancer cells to various chemotherapeutics. miR-21 has been demonstrated to modulate sensitivity to the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin in bladder cancer,39 gemcitabine in cholangiocarcinoma40 and 5-Fluorouracil in colorectal cancer.41 The role of miR-21 in both the development and progression of cancer, in addition to the response to anti-cancer treatment, highlights the potential of miR-21 as a novel therapeutic target.
In an isogenic model of resistance to cisplatin in A549 cells, miR-181b was found to be downregulated. Experimental overexpression of miR-181b decreased levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl2, enhancing sensitivity to cisplatin-induced cell death.42
One of the well-established mechanisms involving cisplatin resistance concerns the overexpression of ERCC1. This DNA repair gene is involved in the repair of DNA adducts and stalled DNA replication forks, and its expression levels can predict both survival and cisplatin-based therapeutic benefit in patients with resected non-small cell lung cancer.43,44
Many miRNA appear to be epigenetically silenced by DNA CpG methylation, and as such it may be possible to re-sensitise patients to cisplatin-based chemotherapy through the use of demethylating agents, such as azacitidine or decitabine. Indeed reactivation of genes silenced by methylation of DNA at CpG islands can result in resensitivity to cisplatin in cell line models,45 and such a strategy may work for miRNA.
Radiation has been demonstrated to modulate miRNA expression in cell lines of different tissue origin, including lung cancer,46 lymphoblastoma,47 colon cancer48 and glioma.49 Furthermore, radiation-induced alterations in miRNA expression has been demonstrated to be dose-dependent,37 suggesting that miRNA play a quantifiable, functional role in cellular responses to radiation.
Importantly, a role for miRNA in the in vivo radiation response has been clearly demonstrated. The upregulation of miR-137 and miR-125b in rectal tumour biopsies two weeks after the initiation of neoadjuvant CRT was demonstrated by Svoboda et al, suggesting a role for these miRNA in the tumour response to CRT. Furthermore, increased expression of both miRNA was associated with a poor response to CRT.50
A recent study demonstrated significantly altered expression of just 12 miRNA in resected lung tissue of patients who were resistant and sensitive to adjuvant radiation therapy. One of these miRNA was miR-126, which was upregulated in radiosensitive tumour tissue and was founds to inhibit proliferation and promote radiation-induced apoptosis in vitro.
Potential of microRNA for clinical application
While gene expression profiling has been used in a diagnostic and prognostic capacity, as well as in predicting treatment outcome, generally speaking these approaches have not translated well into a routine clinical setting, for numerous reasons.
For example, most of the techniques require fresh tumour material, or have issues with reproducibility, have complicated bioinformatics due to large data sets, and/or are not cost effective. Circumventing these problems, employing miRNA in diagnostics may be of more efficient clinical utility.
Many investigators now agree that given the direct involvement of miRNA in the regulation of protein expression, miRNA expression profiles may be superior to gene expression profiles for clinical applications, since only a small number of mRNA are regulatory molecules.51
Mirna Therapeutics Inc, a US-based biopharmaceutical biotechnology research and development company, has developed a new type of anti-cancer miRNA technology, which involves using chemically-modified synthetic miRNA mimics and a liposomal-based delivery system to reintroduce a downregulated miRNA back into tumours in vivo.52,53 This strategy may be used to reintroduce miRNA that are important for tumour cell responsiveness to other anti-cancer therapeutics.
It is favourable to a gene therapy approach, as rather than altering a single gene, which will have limited cellular impact, altering a single miRNA will have multiple downstream effects on tumour cells in terms of signalling pathways and effector molecules.
Indeed, a similar strategy has been employed in the treatment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is known that miR-122 is a liver specific miRNA essential for HCV replication.54 It has been demonstrated that HCV replication in the liver can be dramatically reduced using oligonucleotide inhibitors of miR-122.55 This anti-miR-122 (miravirsen) HCV treatment strategy is now in phase II clinical trials. A possibility for the future lies in miRNA replacement therapy for cancer.
Recent findings have shown that miRNAs can also be found in circulation and can be purified from serum/plasma.56-58 Because of their small size miRNAs are highly stable molecules in serum, being protected from cellular RNases, and may be ideal candidates for the development of relatively non-invasive screening tests. In line with this premise, Ng et al recently found five miRNAs in colorectal cancer patients that were upregulated in both plasma and tumour compared to normal controls.59
Irish Cancer Society-funded research
The involvement of miRNAs in the prediction of patient response to therapy in oesophageal cancer remains completely unstudied. Through an Irish Cancer Society-funded research fellowship project our Unit is focussing on the identification of a unique miRNA expression signature in both tumour tissue and serum predicting therapeutic outcome in oesophageal adenocarcinoma patients. Furthermore, we aim to elucidate the functional relevance of specific miRNA in defining responses to radiation and chemotherapy in cell line models of radio- and chemo-resistance. Overall, these data may provide a platform to aid clinicians in deciding whether to send these patients directly for surgery with potential follow up with a course of adjuvant CRT, or to treat with neoadjuvant CRT followed by surgery potentially improving patient prognosis and quality of life.
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