Health unions call for end to recruitment freeze

ICTU chair Albert Murphy said industrial action would be considered if the freeze was to continue indefinitely

Max Ryan

June 24, 2024

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  • Healthcare unions have called on the HSE to bring an end to the ongoing moratorium on the recruitment of healthcare staff. 

    Chairperson of the ICTU group of healthcare unions, Albert Murphy, said:

    "Healthcare unions are welcoming the news that over 2,200 staff can be recruited by the HSE over the coming months together with 701 posts for the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth. These posts must be filled in a timely manner.

    "We are now at the midpoint of the year, the HSE must provide healthcare unions with the Pay and Numbers Strategy for 2024. It is not acceptable that this strategy has not been provided yet," Mr Murphy added.

    "As a group of unions, we know all too well the impact the recruitment freeze is having on our members working right across the health service. Services that are constantly short-staffed are having a significant impact on patient safety and outcomes. When posts are remaining unfilled for a prolonged period of time, staff morale is adversely impacted. 

    "Unless the HSE meaningfully engage with unions on how the HSE recruitment freeze can be wound up, unions will be left with no option but to consult with their members and ultimately ballot for industrial action."

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